162 résultats pour motor

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  Chandler was a North American car manufacturer from the early 20th century. With its headquarters and pr...
encyclopédie > make1 modèles
Nouvelle ŠKODA Superb présenté en avant-première au Shanghai Motor Show
2013-04-04 12:12:52 La ŠKODA Superb et la Superb Combi ont fait l'objet d'un facelift complet et seront toutes les deux p...
actualités > actualité5 photos
Nouvelle Renault Fluence arrive à Istanbul Motor Show
2012-11-06 12:13:58 Nouvelle Renault Fluence se dévoile en première mondiale au ...
actualités > actualité6 photos
encyclopédie > make
Brotherhood Crocker Motors Limited was  founded  by Peter Brotherhood, in London and produced the Brotherh...
encyclopédie > make2 modèles
Stephens Motor was a branch of the Moline Plow Company located in Freeport, USA, to produce automobiles. The brand, ...
encyclopédie > make1 modèles
The Pennsylvania Auto-Motor Co. was a car builderlocated Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The company produced cars from 190...
encyclopédie > make1 modèles
Singer Motor Company Inc. was founded by Charles A. Singer (descendant of the sewing machine family) in Mount Vernon...
encyclopédie > make
séries - (Royaume-Uni, 1953-1956)
encyclopédie > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard > Gen.22 versions
séries - (Royaume-Uni, 1956-1958)
encyclopédie > Standard Motor Company > Vanguard > Gen.33 versions