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2015-05-18 @ 11:44 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Chevrolet
The new Camaro generation has a new set of dimensions which immediately differentiates it from the outgoing fifth generationA linha de motores do Camaro leva o modelo da Chevrolet a novos padrões de desempenho, mas também de eficiênciaO novo Camaro SS será a versão mais potente na altura do lançamentoA nova geração do Camaro tem um novo conjunto de dimensões que imediatamente a diferencia da sua antecessoraBMW 330d xDrive TouringBMW 330d TouringBMW 325d TouringBMW 320d TouringBMW 325d TouringBMW 320d xDrive TouringBMW 320d xDrive TouringBMW 318d xDrive TouringBMW 320d TouringBMW 318d TouringBMW 318d TouringBMW 335d xDrive TouringBMW 340iBMW 340i xDriveBMW 340iBMW 340i xDriveBMW 320d EfficientDynamics TouringBMW 320d EfficientDynamics Touring
The engine lineup takes the Camaro to new performance benchmarks but it is also makes it more efficient than ever
Indéterminé, 24
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30 novembre

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