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Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni (1919 - present)
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2013-02-04 @ 15:48 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Bentley
Der typische, breite Kühlergrill von Bentley bleibt erhaltenModelo partilha a plataforma com o ContinentalBentley vai estrear o Flying Spur em GenebraUm dos upgrades são os faróis LEDBentley deu a conhecer alguns detalhes do design do carro através de um vídeoA grelha tradicional da Bentley mantém-se intactaBentley Flying SpurBentley Flying SpurBentley Flying SpurBentley Flying SpurBentley Flying SpurThe car shares a platform with the ContinentalBentley will debut the new Flying Spur in GenevaOne upgrade is LED lightsBentley teased some of the look of the car in its teaser videoIt keeps that broad Bentley grill that is important to the brandO CEO da Bentley refere que o design do EXP 9 F foi mudado para parecer mais um modelo da marcaModelo deverá partilhar a plataforma com SUVs da Audi, VW e PorscheCaso venha a ser aprovado, novo modelo poderá estar à venda dentro de três anosThe Bentley CEO says that styling of the production version has been changed to be more Bentley-likeIt will share a platform with Audi, VW and Porsche SUVs.If approved, it could be on sale in three years
A grelha tradicional da Bentley mantém-se intacta

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