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France France (1898 - present)
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2013-06-24 @ 18:33 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Renault
Die Waren werden hinter einer Heckklappe verstautDer Stauraum ersetzt den BeifahrersitzDer Wagen ist für Lieferngen auf kurzen Strecken gedachtA carga é mantida em segurança através de uma porta de segurançaA área de carga substitui o segundo assentoO carro permite pequenas entregas em curtas distânciasThe cargo is kept safe behind a locking doorThe cargo area is where the second seat was locatedThe car allows for small deliveries over short distancesThe engine will not be installed in a car until January 2014Renault is the first engine supplier to show its 2014 engineThe engine has a massive radiator on one side to cool it. The new engine has two energy recover unitsThe exhaust on either side of the engine is router to the turboThe new platform will be introduced at the end of the yearThe next Laguna will also use the platformThree Nissan's will use the platform including the next generation X-TrailThe new platform will be introduced at the end of the yearO próximo Laguna também irá usar a nova plataformaTrês Nissans vão usar a plataforma incluindo a próxima geração do X-TrailA nova plataforma vai ser introduzida no final do anoThe new platform will be introduced at the end of the year
Der Wagen ist für Lieferngen auf kurzen Strecken gedacht