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Italie Italie (1947 - present)
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2013-02-01 @ 12:45 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Ferrari
It also showed the car's carbon fiber monocoque at the Paris Motor ShowIt was the first reveal of the car's front and rearFerrari released two official photos of the car in its official magazine in DecemberFerrari showed its hybrid Ferrari V12 over a year agoFerrari F138Ferrari F138Ferrari F138Ferrari F138Ferrari F138Ferrari F138Ferrari F138Ferrari F138The engine is basically identical but with improved reliabilityThe car will get its first on-track test next weekFerrari already plans upgrades to the car's aerodynamicsThe 2013 car was developed at the same time as the 2014 carFerrari says that the top and side intakes have also been reworkedThe rear bodywork of the car is more narrow with a sharper pointMost obvious is the flat noseThe F138 has major changes over the F2012 last yearFerrari F138Ferrari F138
Ferrari already plans upgrades to the car's aerodynamics