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Allemagne Allemagne (2005 - present)
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2012-08-30 @ 16:11 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Gumpert
With this engine Gumpert take the Explosion up to 100km/h in three secondsThe Explosion is powered by a four-cylinder 1984cc engine, with 420hp and 520NmThe sport looking interior proves it soGumpert says the car was inspired in rally carsGumpert ExplosionGumpert ExplosionGumpert ExplosionCom este motor a Gumpert consegue levar o Explosion até aos 100km/h em três segundosO Explosion está equipado com um motor quatro cilindros de 1984cc, com uma potência de 420cv e 520Nm de binárioInterior desportivo é prova disso mesmoGumpert afirma que o carro teve inspiração nos rálisDas wichtgste Modell aus dem Hause Gumpert ist der Apollo.O principal modelo da Gumpert continua a ser o Apollo que até já deu cartas na pistaGumpert's main model has been the Apollo which has proven itself on the trackThe Best and Worst from Geneva 2012Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged Gumpert Debuts Apollo R and Apollo Enraged
Gumpert's main model has been the Apollo which has proven itself on the track