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Land Rover

Land Rover

Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni (1978 - present)
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2014-03-10 @ 17:51 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Land Rover
Imagens captadas pelas câmaras situadas na grelha frontal do veículo são projetadas no Head-Up Display no interior do veículoNova tecnologia permite visibilidade por baixo e imediatamente à frente do capotLand Rover only revealed a video and a picture that don't reveal almost anything about the conceptLand Rover revelou apenas um vídeo e uma imagem que pouco revelam do novo protótipoLand Rover Freelander XSLand Rover Freelander XSLand Rover Freelander XSLand Rover Freelander 2 HSE Luxury Land Rover Freelander 2 HSE Luxury Land Rover Freelander 2 HSE Luxury Land Rover Evoque 2.0 AutobiographyLand Rover Evoque 2.0 AutobiographyLand Rover Evoque 2.0 AutobiographyLand Rover Evoque 2.0 AutobiographyLand Rover Evoque 2.0 AutobiographyLand Rover Evoque 2.0 Autobiography DynamicLand Rover Evoque 2.0 Autobiography DynamicLand Rover Evoque 2.0 Autobiography DynamicLand Rover Evoque 2.0 Autobiography DynamicLand Rover Evoque 2.0 Autobiography DynamicLand Rover Evoque 2.0 Autobiography DynamicLand Rover Discovery 4 XXV Special Edition
Land Rover Freelander 2 HSE Luxury

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