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Land Rover

Land Rover

Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni (1978 - present)
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2013-04-19 @ 17:10 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Land Rover
Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2A plataforma PLA também é usada no Range Rover e no Range Rover SportO sedan executivo compacto da Jaguar vai usar a plataforma Land Rover PLAA Jaguar tenciona usar a plataforma PLA nas próximas gerações do XF e XJThe PLA platform is also used on the Range Rover and Range Rover SportThe Jaguar compact executive sedan will use the Land Rover PLA platformJaguar plans to use the PLA platform on the next generations of the XF and XJA Land Rover e a Jaguar voltaram a juntar-se sobre a alçada da proprietária indiana Tata
Land Rover Range Rover Sport Gen.2

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