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Italie Italie (1947 - present)
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2012-09-17 @ 15:07 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Ferrari
The event was organized by Ferrari North Europe together with the Ferrari Owners Club GB.This year, nearly the entire 3.66 miles long circuit at Silverstone was covered with Ferraris.In 2008, that number was surpassed at the Suzuka circuit by 490 Ferraris.The record was first set in 2007 with 385 cars gathered at Silverstone.A total of 964 Ferraris from all over Great Britain gathered for the event.The parade was led by Filipe Massa in a 458 Spider.tommalletttommallettO aumento das vendas foi especialmente acentuado nos EUAGrowth was especially strong in the USA with an increase of 17 per cent.guruguruguruguruguruguruguruguruguruAo longo da sua produção o F40 era o Ferrari mais potente, mais caro e mais rápido à vendaO F40 é atualmente um supercarro com tecnologia de corrida personalizada para a estradaO modelo foi concebido para celebrar o 40º aniversário da marca
O aumento das vendas foi especialmente acentuado nos EUA