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2013-05-29 @ 16:50 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Tesla
Tesla has paid off its government loan and is profitableOne possible acquisition would be TeslaGoogle is considering moving deeper into the car industryTesla's next step is to bring the Model S to Europe and Asia this yearThe Supercharger allows for two to three hours of driving from a 30 minute chargeTesla says it will be able to support drives across the continent within a yearTesla tem estado em destaque com um preço de ações em alta também resultante do pagamento da dívida ao EstadoO Model S vai estar à venda na Europa até ao final do verãoO futuro modelo compacto da Tesla deverá custar menos de metade do Model STesla has been doing well recently with high stock prices and paid off debtThe Model S will be on sale in Europe by the end of the summerThe future compact is slated to cost less than half of the Model SAnd there are wider rear wheelsIt also gets a more aggressive suspensionThe new package comes with lighter wheels that slightly increase range Tesla plant die zweite Generation des Roadster Tesla plant die zweite Generation des Roadster Tesla plant die zweite Generation des RoadsterNo futuro próximo a Tesla pretende focar-se no lançamento do crossover Model X e num modelo mais pequeno e mais baratoO novo modelo será totalmente produzido pela Tesla, ao contrário da primeira geraçãoTesla refere que já está nas primeiras fases de desenvolvimento do novo RoadsterTesla wants to focus on the Model X crossover and future cheaper, smaller car first
O futuro modelo compacto da Tesla deverá custar menos de metade do Model S

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