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Allemagne Allemagne (1931 - present)
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2013-08-19 @ 17:47 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Porsche
The exact type of engine if not yet knownThe car will use some type of hybrid powerplantThe confirmed drivers are Timo Bernhard, Romain Dumas and Mark WebberThe car is not exactly a beauty, but maybe a new paintjob will make it betterIt has not taken an overall win since 1998Porsche is going racing in LMP1 again in 2014As vendas da Porsche estão a crescer a um ritmo de dois dígitosPorsche sales are up in the double digitsMesmo com 60,000 unidades a Porsche deverá atingir a marca das 200.000 vendas anuais em 2014A marca construiu uma fábrica específica para a produção do MacanA Porsche acredita que vai vender menos de 60.000 Macans no primeiro anoEven at 60,000 units, Porsche will likely hit 200,000 sales next yearPorsche has created a dedicated factory for the MacanPorsche thinks it will sell under 60,000 Macans its first yearA classe é destinada aos carros da classe GT3 da FIAO carro tem uma asa e um restritor de ar modificadosEntregas devem começar em outubroO carro é baseado no 911 GT3 CupThe class for for FIA GT3 carsIt has a different rear wing and air restrictorDeliveries will begin in OctoberThe car is based on the 911 GT3 Cup
Porsche sales are up in the double digits