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France France (1919 - present)
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2013-02-22 @ 12:58 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Citroën
Citroën C3O modelo estará à venda ainda este anoOs faróis foram redesenhadosO interior também foi modificadoO modelo estará disponível com três novos motores a gasolinaOs faróis traseiros também sofreram modificaçõesRecebe um novo design dianteiro e novos faróis diurnos LEDO renovado C3 será lançado em GenebraThe car will be on sale later this yearThe headlights are also redesignedThe interior has also been improvedThere are new three-cylinder petrol enginesThere are also new taillightsIt gets a new front end with LED running lightsThe refreshed C3 will come to the Geneva Motor ShowDiesel, la gamme débute à 98g de CO2/km.PSA first showed the HYbrid Air System on a Citroën C3, it will be on a 2008 at Geneva.Citroën Technospace ConceptCitroën Technospace ConceptCitroën Technospace ConceptCitroën Technospace ConceptCitroën Technospace
The headlights are also redesigned