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Allemagne Allemagne (1985 - present)
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2013-03-05 @ 15:18 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Wiesmann
Wiesmann added a carbon roof to lower weightThe car will be limited to 25 unitsThe MF4-CS is based on the racing version of the MF4Wiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4-CSWiesmann GT MF4 Club SportWiesmann GT MF4 Club SportWiesmann GT MF4 Club SportO MF4-CS será limitado a 25 unidadesO carro será submetido a uma grande redução de pesoDer MF4-CS wird auf 25 Exemplare limitiert seinDas Modell wird außerdem ein wesentlich geringeres Gewicht habenThe MF4-CS will be limited to 25 carsThe car will have significant weight reductionThe company has built about 1,500 cars since being founded
The MF4-CS is based on the racing version of the MF4