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France France (1919 - present)
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2012-12-17 @ 15:29 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Citroën
The DS3 Cabrio went on sale earlier this yearThe car will be auctioned to support the health of women and childrenInfelizmente o mercado automóvel atual está a retirar a personalidade aos modelosOs carros não tinham um design peculiar só porque lhes apetecia. Os modelos também vendiamA história dos designs peculiares recua ao início da CitroënA Citroën sempre foi conhecida pelos seus designs arrojadosNouvelle version de la DS3 Cabrio signé par L’Uomo VogueIt is too bad that modern needs mean that cars can no longer have personalityThe cars were not just odd for its own sake. They also sold wellThe history of weird Citroëns goes back to nearly the beginningCitroën staked its claim on quirky designsSem mais upgrades os modelos irão continuar a perder estrelasWithout further upgrades, the cars will continue to lose starsThe original plans had called for co-producing cars as wellCitroën C2 1.4i VTRCitroën Xantia 2.0 HDiA produção do DS5 na China irá diminuir o preço do modelo naquele mercadoO DS4 deverá continuar a ser importado no futuro próximoO DS5 está à venda na China desde o verãoBuilding the DS5 in China will lower tariffs to increase sales The DS4 will continue to be imported in the near futureThe DS5 has been on sale in China since the summer
The original plans had called for co-producing cars as well