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Allemagne Allemagne (1987 - present)
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2012-11-07 @ 17:30 | © Photo gracieuseté de: TECHART
The package includes various upgrades to the interior and exteriorThe upgrades include an entire suite of changes to the interior tooTechart also has a set of forged, alloy wheelsThe entire collection can be bought separately or togetherThe fixed rear spoiler, diffuser and exhaust are also addedHowever, there are no upgrades to the car's performanceMost of Techart's updates are for the interiorIt includes a new steering wheelIt also changes the colors of many of the instrumentsTechart has two new wheels for the BoxsterTECHART Individualisierung für den neuen Porsche BoxsterTECHART Individualisierung für den neuen Porsche BoxsterTECHART Individualisierung für den neuen Porsche BoxsterTECHART Individualisierung für den neuen Porsche BoxsterTECHART Individualisierung für den neuen Porsche BoxsterTECHART 911 Police CarTECHART 911 Police CarTECHART 911 Police CarTECHART 911 Police CarTECHART 911 Police CarTECHART 911 Police CarTechArt Boxter Aerokit I
The upgrades include an entire suite of changes to the interior too