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Etats-Unis Etats-Unis (2011 - present)
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2012-08-17 @ 12:54 | © Photo gracieuseté de: SRT
Ainda assim é uma edição de lançamento e os compradores recebem os primeiros Vipers a serem produzidosO novo Viper tem o mesmo motor 8.4-litros V10 da mesma geraçãoO novo Viper tem jantes polidas e foscasO Viper é também o primeiro a estar equipado com ABS, controlo de tração e controlo de estabilidadeO Viper GTS em azul e branco esconde as linhas da nova geração e faz com que se pareça mais à anteriorThe new Viper has polished and matte wheelsSRT added ABS, traction control and stability control to the ViperThe new Viper has the same 8.4-liter V10 as the previous generationStill its the launch edition and buyers get the first carsThe Viper GTS in blue and white hides the cars lines and makes it look like the previous oneSRT Viper GTS-Rs Finish 10th and 12th in Class at Mid-OhioSRT Viper GTS-Rs Finish 10th and 12th in Class at Mid-OhioIf the car is relatively successful, it will race the rest of the season. https://raisa.club/ https://raisa.club/ https://raisa.club/ https://raisa.club/ It will be interesting to see how to make it competitiveThe Viper GTE-Pro car looks meanThe car will race at least once this seasonThe race car is basically a lower, wider version of the street carIt could compete in as many have four races this year
The Viper GTS in blue and white hides the cars lines and makes it look like the previous one