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France France (1882 - present)
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2013-05-13 @ 13:52 | © Photo gracieuseté de: Peugeot
Auch am Heck gibt es LEDsDie Premiere des 308 findet im Herbst auf der IAA in Frankfurt stattDie Instrumente sind auf den Fahrer ausgerichtetDas Infotainmentsystem wird hauptsächlich über einen Touchscreen gesteuertTop level models will have LED headlightsThe car will be 140kg lighter than the previous generation thanks to the new platformIt now has a two-tier grillThe 308 has much less exciting styling than the first generationThere are also LED taillightsThe car will be publicly revealed at the Frankfurt Motor ShowPeugeot is focusing on a driver-oriented instrument layoutThe new infotainment system has a physical volume knob but touch controlsPeugeot 2008 Gen.1Peugeot 2008 Gen.1Peugeot 2008 Gen.1Peugeot 2008 Gen.1Peugeot 2008 Gen.1Peugeot 2008 Gen.1Loeb parece estar pronto para atacar a colinaO Pikes Peak International Hill Climb terá lugar no final de junhoCombina velocidade, controlo e travagem sem ter de chegar a um meio-termoLoeb refere que o 208 T16 Pikes Peak é diferente de qualquer outro carro que alguma vez conduziu
Top level models will have LED headlights

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